Ultimate Guide To Major Gift Fundraising [Self Directed]

🙌  Congratulations!

You are committed to removing the overwhelm and raising more money for your organization. This fundraising system can do just that! I provide you with the tools to be a better fundraiser.

I want to do everything in my power for you to bring in the big fish! That's why I created this course -- for you to meet your fundraising goals and have great success as a fundraiser.

With your purchase, you'll receive access to:

Fundraising Maximized®: Your Ultimate Guide to Major Gift Fundraising 

No matter where you are on your fundraising career journey, I bet you want a basic understanding, refresher, or new techniques of how fundraising works . . . beyond event fundraising and grant writing.

No more uncertainty or overwhelm with major gifts . . . “just tell me what to do and how to do it.”

I can help you get focused so you . . .

 ✅ Know exactly how to find major donors

✅ Feel confident when talking with major donors.

✅ Know WHAT to say and HOW to say it when asking for a gift

✅ Have a proven fundraising plan in place and track to run on

✅ Feel less scattered and overwhelmed when you sit down at your desk each day 

In this program, you not only get a roadmap . . . you get your questions answered!

And an amazing BONUS . . . 

  •  25 Rock-Solid Proven Phrases that Work When Asking for Money (Valued at $397)

I can't wait for your to get started in this Self-Paced course!

$997.00 USD

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