The "New Fundraising" Formula:

3 Secrets to Success

How to Secure Large Gifts
Despite the Current Environment and No Fundraising Events
(Even If You Don’t Yet Have a Fundraising Plan). . .

AND How You can Replicate, Duplicate, and Run
with these SECRETS starting TODAY.

 The New Fundraising Formula by Nancy RievesBy NANCY RIEVES, Ed. D. 

Please choose ONE training and Join me Live!

May 12, 2020 @ 1:00pm CT May 13, 2020 @ 10:00am CT May 14, 2020 @ 1:00pm CT Interested but can't attend.

Nancy is about authentic relationships and results and is genuinely interested in the success of nonprofits.

Executive Director of Momentum

In this Live Training,
You'll discover:

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The Magical Messaging for Fundraising 

When you get good at creating clear and compelling messages, you draw in your donors. They understand what you do, join you in addressing the problem or need, and see themselves as part of the solution. They become a hero. That's what you want.

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How to Engage Board Members

An engaged board is critical to your success as a nonprofit leader. Board members often don't know how to help, feel hesitant, and stay unengaged. When you show them how the donor path and how fundraising works, they will jump to help. With the crisis, you need your board members now more than ever.

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Why Focus on Major Gifts, Crisis or Not

Studies show that, on average, over 88% of all funds come from just 12% of donors. That 12% are your major donors. While all donors are important, it is essential to dedicate time and focus to securing major gifts. 

What to do NOW to Hit the Ground Running When the Crisis Lifts

Your budget has been hit hard by this crisis. Events are nowhere in sight. And you're deciding what services to cut and which are mission critical.

Not-for-profit leaders are asking,

>> What if we can’t open our doors next month?
>> What if we cannot put on our annual event?
>> What happens if we don’t meet our budget shortfall?
>> What will happen to our programs?
>> Are we still relevant in our community?"

Now more than ever, a fundraising plan is essential. And securing large gifts is an essential part of your plan.

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Be an Accomplished Fundraiser.

Overcome Your Budget Shortfall 
caused by the virus and economic crisis.


You did not plan for this crisis. No one did.
Nevertheless, you don't deserve this.
Your beneficiaries don't deserve this.

It’s time to secure large gifts beyond event fundraising and beyond this crisis.

You have an urgent need to raise money to meet your budget.

I can help you.

Here's what to do:
>> 1. Select a time for the Live Training.
>> 2. Join me Live!
>> 3. Learn three secrets to overcome fundraising shortfalls

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About Nancy...

Hi! I am Nancy Rieves, your fundraising coach. 

I did not plan to be a fundraiser. I fell into it like many of you!

While teaching leadership, marketing and business classes at a community college, the president asked if I would oversee the college foundation. I declined. I did not like asking people for money, not even for my daughter’s girl scout cookie sales! It was after the president asked me a third time that I considered the role.

After some time and training, I understood fundraising in a whole new light. It was not about me – it was about being a conduit between those with the passion, willingness, and capacity to give and those in need. It was about solving problems.

I completed my doctorate studies focusing my dissertation work on analyzing fundraising activities. My biggest discovery from my research was revealing — too many nonprofits focus on event fundraising that results in little net revenue. This discovery led to my emphasis on major gift fundraising.

After overseeing the college foundation and fundraising for a museum, I embarked on a journey to launch a new foundation. After securing the 501 (c)(3) status, I slowly hired a staff to oversee annual, alumni, corporate, major and legacy giving.

With effective board leadership, we established by-laws and policies for the new foundation. I focused on establishing fundraising processes and building an effective team. This amazing team raised over $16 million dollars. The fundraising success happened through the 2008 economic crisis while launching the new foundation in 2007.

I knew little about fundraising when I started. However, I knew the importance of meaningful relationships and helping others make a difference that is meaningful to them.

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